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首页 > 供应产品 > 法国阿尔卡特Alcatel Adixen A300 真空泵油 上海扬州南通杭州苏州无锡常州真空泵油
法国阿尔卡特Alcatel Adixen A300 真空泵油 上海扬州南通杭州苏州无锡常州真空泵油
浏览: 586
品牌: 阿尔卡特Alcatel
单价: 680.00元/桶
最小起订量: 1 桶
供货总量: 100 桶
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-09-25 14:20
品牌 : 阿尔卡特Alcatel 是否进口 :
产地 : 法国 粘度系数 : 68
类别 : 真空泵油 比重 : 0.86
闪点 : 243℃ 40℃运动粘度 : 56cSt
倾点 : -9℃ 型号 : A300
规格 : 1、4升 产品特性 : 稳定

Alcatel  Adixen A300 PREMIUM Double Distilled Hydrocarbon Vacuum Pump Oil, 1 Liter (~1 Quart) 98301


Mineral Vacuum Premium Double Distilled Pump Oil, 1 Liter (~1 Quart), For High Resistance to Chemical Attacks, Pumping of Lewis Acid, and Halogens, 98301.

Alcatel Adixen A300 Premium Double Distilled Hydrocarbon Vacuum Pump Oil, 1 Liter (~1 Quart) 98301 is quality mechanical vacuum pump oil for the ultimate performance of your Alcatel Adixen Rotary Vane pumps. Alcatel Adixen A300 Premium Double Distilled Hydrocarbon Oil is specially prepared by Alcatel Adixen to meet the Rotary Vane specifications providing low backstreaming excellent lubrication and strong resistance to oxidation. This fluid is very resistant to chemical attacks and the pumping of Lewis Acids and Halogens.Recommended for High Corrosive Applications. We recommend that you change your vacuum pump oil at least every 3 months to prolong the life of your vacuum pump.

Designed for Alcatel Adixen Vacuum Pumps:
Rotary Vane Models:
2005C1, 2010C1, 2015C1, 2021C1, 2033C1, 2063C1, 2100C1,    
2010C2, 2015C2, 2021C2, 2033C2, 2063C2, Vacuum Pumps.
