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首页 > 供应产品 > Pfeiffer普发合成真空泵油 D1 上海昆山无锡南通杭州徐州绍兴合肥D1真空泵油
Pfeiffer普发合成真空泵油 D1 上海昆山无锡南通杭州徐州绍兴合肥D1真空泵油
浏览: 617
品牌: 普发Pfeiffer
单价: 550.00元/桶
最小起订量: 1 桶
供货总量: 100 桶
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-09-25 14:20
产品特性 : 稳定 是否进口 :
产地 : 德国 粘度系数 : 46
品牌 : 普发Pfeiffer 类别 : 真空泵油
货号 : PN PK005875-T 比重 : 0.86
闪点 : 230 40℃运动粘度 : 38.1
倾点 : -12 型号 : D1
规格 : 1升

seline; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;">Pfeiffer D1 Synthetic Diester based Oil for Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps  - 1 Liter PN PK005875-T


seline;">Pfeiffer D1 Synthetic Diester based Oil for Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps  - 1 Liter (PK005875-T) seline;"> REPLACES Alcatel Adixen A-155 A155 A555 A-555 Oil

Pfeiffer D1 Synthetic Diester based Oil Mechanical Pump Oil (sold here by the 1 liter bottles PN PK005875-T) is quality mechanical vacuum pump oil for the ultimate performance of your Pfeiffer Rotary Vane pumps. Pfeiffer D1 Oil is specially prepared by Pfeiffer to meet the Rotary Vane exclusive specifications. This is High-quality synthetic diester based oil for standard applications to pump down air, inert, noble and slightly corrosive gases. Used for high operating temperatures up to max. 120 °C extremely low vapor pressure, achievable ultimate pressure <5 · 10-2 hPa. We recommend that you change your vacuum pump oil at least every 3 months to prolong the life of your vacuum pump.

seline;">Designed for Pfeiffer Rotary Vane Pumps:

Pfeiffer Rotary Vane Drive Models:
Duo 1.5, 2.5, 5m, 10M, 20m, 35, 65, 120, 250, 004B, 008B, 012B, 016B, UNO 2.5, 030A, 060A, Penta 10, 20, 35 Pumps.
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